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Lip Blush
Prep + Aftercare

Lip Blush Cosmetic Tattoo Prep

Lip Blush Prep instructions MUST BE STRICTLY FOLLOWED to limit pin point bleeding and skin sensitivities during the procedure.  If these instructions are not followed any additonal/excessive pin point bleeding will dilute and expel the pigment color and lead to poor results.

These instructions are given so you are able to receive the best possible treatment.

  • Drink 2 litres of water daily at least 7-14 days prior to your booking


  • Apply Bepanthen for NAPPY RASH (must be this formula) 3x a day 7-14 days prior to your appointment.

** Turning up with dehydrated or dry cracked lips will result in rebooking.


  • The skin must be free of all irritations including blemishes, eczema, and psoriasis.


  • Stop taking Fish Oil, Vitamin C, Glucosamine, Evening Primrose Oil, or Ginger one week prior to your appointment as they thin the blood and prevent the pigment from implanting correctly. If you continue to use these the healed result may be patchy.


  • Do not schedule any facials, microdermabrasion, microneedling, peels or laser treatments for at least 4 weeks prior to your appointment.


  • Please avoid any type of blood thinning medication, and supplement for a minimum of 72 hours prior to your procedure unless is unsafe to do so for your health. Please ask your doctor before stopping these type of medications. Such as: Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Advil, Voltaren. As well as Supplements.


  • No exercise the day of your procedure


  •  Do not consume Alcohol, coffee or other caffeine products 24 hours prior.


  • Avoid sun tanning or tanning beds for 2 weeks prior to procedure. If you show up to your appointment with sunburnt lips you will need to reschedule. As your skin exfoliates from a sunburn it will remove/take the pigment.


  • Please note that you will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.


  • Please get plenty of rest and drink lots of water to hydrate prior to procedure.

Lips take 7 days to heal, please don't book your appointment around events as your tattoo needs to peel and heal. Peeling will happen day 2-5 for most people and will only last for 24-48 hours.




Lip Blush Aftercare

What to expect immediately after the procedure:

The color will look bold like lipstick immediately after. Your lips may be swollen from the procedure and look slightly larger than normal. The size of your lips will shrink back to normal (normally within the first 2-24 hours and the color will significantly fade up to 50% within the first 3 days. You will lose color on the inside of your lips first , the edges last.

It is always best to air on the side of caution on the first procedure. It is easy to add more color, but not to remove it.

(Days 1 - 10)

The treated area may experience the following symptoms for 1 to 10 days after the treatment, which are all common and will dissipate in a short period of time.

  • Swelling and redness.

  • Tenderness.

  • Flaking and mild itchiness as the lips heal.

  • Dry skin that may remain for up to 3 weeks.

DAY 1​

  • In the first 12-48 hours, while the skin is in the process of forming a protective scab and the lymph secretion is active you may see fluid or ooze on the skin.  This is normal but the fluid must be patted/cleaned every 30 minutes like shown (gently pat them clean, do not wipe them) for the next 3 hours with cotton rounds. Then every 1 hour until bed so that the secretion does not crust and block the skin from breathing.

  • Clean tattoo before bed in the shower with clean fingers and warm soapy water. You can use the microbalm aftercare provided in your kit 6 hours after the tattoo has been completed. Please only use minimal amounts (half the size of a grain of rice is plenty) of aftercare and dab it on with clean fingers. Use a clean pillow case tonight and remember you have just had a tattoo, infections can be unpleasant and will effect your healed tattoo. Always wash your hands before touching your tattoo. This will reduce the risk of secondary infection and should be done for at least 7 days post procedure.

  • NEVER rub lips together, lick your lips or rub your finger across your lips, this will remove the pigment, and you will heal with little to no colour in that area.


  • Clean tattoo in shower like the night before, if you do not shower in the morning still clean with warm soapy water in a patting motion with clean fingertips. Apply microbalm in the morning and at night after cleaning. If the lips feel dry and tight during the day apply when needed. Please use small amounts of aftercare, pat it on don’t rub your fingers across the lips. This will damage your tattoo and it will heal patchy. Clean lips like this until lips have completely peeled.


  • This is the day that lips start to peel, so not pick or rub off the peeling skin. It MUST come off on there own. Peeling lasts 24-48 hours.

  • Allow the skin to flake off on its own. Picking and pulling off skin that is not ready to come off will cause pigment loss and can pull out deeper tissue. The edges or lip liner will be the last to fall off. During the peeling process it may look like there is not much color there. Color is more apparent by the second week and will continue to clarify until 5 weeks.


  • AVOID for the next 5 days.

  • * Exercise - (light walking is ok).

  • * No spicy food

  • * Cut food into bite size pieces

  • * Spas, saunas, pools, lakes, oceans - 14 days.

  • * Facials, peels, facial beauty treatments -21 days - (botox and filler is ok).

  • * No Makeup on tattooed area - (until peeling is over).


  • DRINKING & EATING- All drinks, including water, must be consumed through a straw until day 5. This is because any food or liquid that touches your lip tattoo will remove the colour. When eating food, you must cut your food into small bite-sized pieces and not let it touch your lips when putting it inside your mouth.Do not constantly wipe your lips with a napkin or keep licking your lips as this will impede the healing process,  Your lip tattoo will be open to the elements for 5-7 days until the scabbing or flaking is over. AVOID chilly or spicy foods until the lips have healed. Not following the drinking and eating rules will result in pigment loss on the upper and lower lip and all you will be left with is a thick lip liner on healing. 

  • Once healed please use your aftercare at night until is finished or until your touchup appointment - Remember your lips need to be soft again for the 2nd touch-up appointment, so please keep using your Bepanthan once your tattoo has finished peeling.

  • Always use a spf lip balm once healed when getting a lip tattoo.

  • Using any products that lighten and whiten the skin (retinol, vit A, C) please keep one finger width away from the tattoo.


The following must also be avoided for best healed results:

  • Do not rub, pick or scratch, as the color may heal unevenly and you could risk infection. Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate away.

  • No kissing, rubbing or friction on the treated area until it is totally healed or else you will lose color.

  • Refrain from using cleansing creams or moisturizers that contain Retin-A, glycol acids, anti acne ingredients, AHA’s/BHA’s on the worked area.

  • Do not receive bleaching, waxing, electrolysis or laser hair removal treatments close to your enhancement. Avoid for 14 days.

  • Avoid using exfoliants, acids such as glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acids lactic acid, salicylic acid, fruit acid and Vitamin A on the tattooed area for 30 days. (Causes premature fading)

  • Use a fresh pillowcase. 

  • Do not schedule any facials, microdermabrasion, microneedling, peels or laser treatments for at least 4 weeks. They can darken/lighten or distort the pigment.

  • Avoid drinking alcohol in excess, as it may lead to slow healing of wounds.

  • Do Not use Blistex, Carmex or Chapstick while healing.


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